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ANNOUNCEMENT: Starting December 1, 2024, the studio will relocate from Riegrovy sady 28, Prague to
KALI Hair & Beauty Studio, Belehrdska 66, Prague 2.

As a hair clinic, we care about healthy and beautiful hair. We are happy to fulfill any of your wishes, but it may take more sessions to avoid further damage to the hair. We are not a service according to the picture, we will discuss with you everything from lifestyle to current desires to find the best result, which is also convenient and simple for home modifications.


We reserve the right not to provide the service if we see that the hair is not in condition to handle the procedure. For bleaching, highlights, balayage or air touch, we are always happy to first consult the condition, procedure and price free of charge.

Book your desires here.

Prices are indicative, each hair needs individual and not table care, use the option of consultation*

Ceny jsou orientační, každé vlasy potřebují individuální a ne tabulkovu péči, využijte možnost konzultace*

D. Hair clinic

Damir Kovacic

ICO. 19334541


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